An AR Learning Experience
XR technologies are seen as the future of mobile computing and the onset of the pandemic has fueled interest even more. This growth made me curious about the potential XR technology has to transform industries in the future, specifically education. With Zoom burn-out being a harsh reality, I wanted to design a product to answer the question “How can we use emerging XR technology to make remote learning more engaging?” The result was Inquizitive, an AR mobile app, which hosts educational lessons using AR models, for students to access, share, and quiz each other.
Adobe Aero
Design Sprint for
Mobile Design Course
Sept - Oct 2020
"How can I leverage XR technology to make remote education more engaging?"

How do people feel about XR tech and its use in Education?
To define users' current emotions toward this topic, I conducted a multi-methodology research study. In doing so, I wanted to understand their stance, if any, on XR, how they feel about it as an educational tool, & the current use XR in this setting.
Contextual Inquiry

Literature Review

User Interviews & Surveys
with 20 student and teacher participants

Competitive Review
User Insights
Finding 1: Participants feel XR Tech is not a replacement for the traditional learning methods
Participants see it as having the potential to make traditional learning (e.g., lectures, textbooks) more engaging and collaborative. 78% felt excited about immersive tech in education.
Finding 2: Augmented reality is the most used technology, followed by virtual reality.
75% of these XR tech uses were for entertainment purposes. 50% of students and teachers have not used immersive tech. The biggest obstacles to classroom adoption were expensive equipment, the need to train students and teachers, and a hard time finding teaching resources.
Finding 3: Group work was selected as the best way for students to learn.
Following are textbook readings, videos or power points, and spoken lectures.
“It could be a more engaging or hands-on way to learn than simply reading a textbook or listening to a lecture, and an easier way to visualize concepts and connect them to the real world”

Market Research
VR and AR are the main technologies competitors are using to enter the education field (ex. Microsoft Hololens, Google Expeditions). However, VR was limited by headset price, high learning curve, and difficulty with collaboration.
Two User Modes help create a tailored yet collaborative experience (Ex. "Guide" mode for teachers, "Explorer" mode for students)
Interactive Study Tools like quizzes or flashcards were in all the study websites participants mentioned
(Ex. Quizlet).
Using the research I made an affinity diagram, personas, and a priority matrix to find emerging patterns around XR tech.
I realized that the ideas around its role in the classroom differ by the users' intent of the application: Study or Teach?
Main Findings
1. Teachers want an accessible and approachable teaching tool that encourages collaborative student engagement and curiosity in diverse subject matters.
2. Students want a learning or study tool that supplements dense lectures and textbooks using an interactive, engaging, and collaborative approach.

3. AR is the XR technology students and teachers were comfortable using and is more affordable (accessible) than VR or MR.
DEVELOP - Ideate
Scenarios and Main Functions
After examining the affinity diagram and prioritization matrix, I determined two scenarios and the final functions for the prototype. With these scenarios and functions in mind, I developed user flows & wireframes.

AR lessons using
3D models & audio
Student and Teacher Modes
Two Scenarios
Final Functions

Quiz feature

Chat/ Messaging
Scenario 2:

Clara is a high school student who would like to share an object from her recent trip to the museum with her classmates.

Scenario 1:

Mrs. Anne Stevens is a high school geography teacher 
who wants to teach a lesson on ancient kingdoms across the world.
User Flow

Scenario 1
DEVELOP - Prototype + Testing
User Testing & Final Ideation
After deciding on the name Inquisitive, I user test the initial wireframes with 4 participants and presented two potential mood boards for the design. Ultimately, the darker color scheme was selected by participants. Likewise, some specific changes involved removing voice messaging and making action buttons on AR view (e.g., camera controls, invite) more discoverable. From there, I moved on to ideating the design and creating the AR Prototype in Adobe Aero.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

High-Fidelity Protoype

AR View in Adobe Aero

Dark Mood Board (Selected)

Light Mood Board
Teacher Scenario:
Mrs. Anne Stevens is a High Schoool Geography teacher 
who wants to teach a lesson on kingdoms.

Student Scenario:
You are at a museum and would like to share a 3D model of the dinosaur you see on your trip with your friend, Sarah